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miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

Time flies when you're...

Everyone knows the end of that. But everyone also knows that its obviously not just when your having fun but it's usually when your busy as hell and don't have time to breathe... or when you'restuck in a rut, or when you're bored... or a combination of fun,busy,rut,boredom. So you take all those things and put them together and thats me right now. this post is lame. my life is lamer (is that even a word?) ill probably delete it tomorrow... catch it if you can! in the meantime check out some cool links i found today:

turning junk into cool stuff: http://bit.ly/1xzuVg
This Flu Season Kleenex Lets You Pick Your Mom http://adage.com/u/RrMgTb or skip the article and go straight to the site http://www.getmommed.com/

and we're off.


lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

Back in the Game

So I've decided that it's finally time to return to the world wide webular of blogging. Yes, I know it's been far too long. So hold on to your hats. I'm rusty. Not that anyone is actually going to read this (sans maybe my mother or someone very very bored on a sunday afternoon) but to bring everyone into the present day Leah Life, I am now working as an Associate Copywriter and Proofreader aka "intern to hire" at Denali Marketing www.denalimarketing.com in the 5th street towers in the 612. Loving the culture, the orange and the ^(circumflex accent that is our brand). Here I write coupon, flyer, ROP, EM, DM and other copy for Best Buy and sometimes work on stuff for Great River Energy, www.mnbrighterideas.com I also proofread a lot of the stuff that goes out the door here. Over the weekend I volunteered at the Hope Rocks benefit concert for Faith's Lodge at Epic event center which was started by Mark Lacek, managing partner here at Denali, and his wife Susan. To find out more about Hope Rocks and Faith's Lodge check out their websites at http://www.faithslodge.org/HopeRocks/cd.php

If you haven't done so yet... follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/LeahSevilla
That's all for now...
more to come.

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009

gradue de mi universidad ajer con un concentracion en espanol y promociones. ahora necesito encontrar un trabajo aqui en st paul y si no puedes voy a regresar a sevilla para ensenjar a los ninos como hablar en ingles. pues para ahora solo voy a tratar de vivir una dia por el dia... hasta~

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009

it's been a year since I was in Sevilla... walking the cobblestone streets, eating tapas, drinking tinto de verano...and it seems like a dream. Like it was yesterday, yet years ago. I know it sounds crazy but I can't believe that so much time has already passed since I was living at patio de banderas 1 with the amazing view of the catedral from my roof.

In recent news, I am graduating in less then 2 months (scary.) and I have applied to teach children in Andalucia through the embassy. I will find out soon... I hope. I don't know if I could return and have it be the same but it was worth applying to keep my options open. I love that city, that area, that country so much that anything that could get me back there would be amazing. even if I was living in a single bedroom apartment with only a matress on the floor for furniture I dont think I'd care... because Siempre tendremos Sevilla...

We'll see if I get accepted.