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lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

An April of Challenges

So slightly out of the blue this April I decided to try something interesting... a 28 day detox. That means no caffeine (bye bye daily diet mt. dew and frequent soy lattes), no gluten (sayonara sandwiches, french fries and basically all good food), no alcohol (lets just be real and give a big adios to my social life and any sort of fun for the next month), no sugar (ahhh the insanity!) and no cigarettes (this one is good but sooo hard). On top of all these no no's there is also lists of foods you can and cannot eat, which for me is not such a problem, because i do thoroughly enjoy good for you healthy food. So the first three days you had to "prep" for the detox by removing all caffeine from your body... i have never had such an excruciating headache in all my life. And i get migraines. very bad. but by the first real day of the detox they had subsided to a dull ache. Now, for days 4-7 the rule is that for break fast and dinner you eat this power filled shakes/soups to muscle you through your day. I thought this would NEVER work. but after the first day of not eating breakfast or dinner and having a sensible lunch (with items only chosen from the eat list) i was feeling pretty good. I even went out for a bike ride.

This leads me to the second challenge that I am undertaking in the month of April... the 30 days of biking challenge. http://30daysofbiking.com/bike/ I randomly saw it on twitter (yes yes i know... i tweet. there i said it now ridicule me...ok stop) So as I have been detoxing i have also been biking every single day. Now, i havent been biking marathons everyday or even biking half marathons. Just little trips here and there to get from point a to point b. Overall ive loved being out every single day, however... it hasnt rained yet either.

Wish me luck everyone! I'll need it.