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martes, 8 de enero de 2008

I live in a castle. Literally. It is this old house that is older then the whole of the United States. It is beautiful, but cold. Not only is it cold but my senora likes to keep the windows open for ventilation. I don’t get it. But nevertheless that’s how it is. I feel like I’ve gone back in time, with out access to the internet readily available, I have to walk to the CC-CS building to use it. Plus a the moment I am without a cell phone or “movil” so its hard to make plans with people. Straight out my door is El patio de Banderas. A small area filled with orange trees. I learned today that orange trees were brought to Sevilla by the Arabs and in the spring they blossom and the whole city is perfumed by their scent. I can’t wait for that. Also right outside my door is the most famous part of Sevilla, El Catedral. It is bigger then any church I’ve ever seen, with gothic architecture that is simply amazing. Combined with palm trees, it truly is a beautiful sight, especially at night while it is illuminated. The tan stone glows with an amber shade casting shadows onto the cobblestone sidewalk.
Right now my senora is practicing the piano and again, I feel as if I’m back in time… as the classical music floats eerily through the open castle walls. Even the key to the door is ancient. It weighs about a lb all by itself and looks like it belongs in a museum. The first time I saw it I thought she was joking. She taught me how to open the door, showing me that you have to give it a good hip check to open it. I can just see me now, at 6 am after a night at el club, not being able to get into my house and having to ring the bell. Hmm, maybe I should practice more.
I started class today and to my surprise there were only 2 of us signed up. When the other girl didn’t show up, I was left alone to fend for myself and talk for 2 hours with the professor. It went better then I expected, and we covered many topics from politics in the states compared to Spain, to a restaurant vegetarian that he suggested Sara and I try out. The class I’m taking is on the Franco Era, and the history of El Guerra Civil de Espana. It is still a very touchy subject with many so it will be interesting to learn more on the different aspects.
I live about five min away from the center so it is nice and convenient, however I wish I had a roommate to plan stuff with and walk around with. I think im getting one in February though. I’m trying my best to speak only in Spanish. And its easier then I thought it would be. But at times is difficult to understand the native people like my senora because she slurs her words and others talk very fast. Also there are lots of words that I had never heard before. I learned a new one from Catelan today, churgo… it means bad. My professor used it to describe Zapatera the president here. Like me, he doesn’t much like his president.
Tonight I’m going out with my friends for some ice cream, wine and dancing. Hopefully I wont wake be out too late tonight, I’m kind of tired. Hasta pronto.

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